Eating a healthy version of a plant-based diet lowered diabetes risk by 34 per cent

Eating a healthy version of a plant-based diet was linked with a 34 per cent lower diabetes risk, while a less healthy version – including foods such as refined grains, potatoes, and sugar-sweetened beverages – was linked with a 16 per cent increased risk, they said. Even modestly lowering animal food consumption – for example, from five to six servings per day to about four servings per day – was linked with lower diabetes incidence, the study found.
“A shift to a dietary pattern higher in healthful plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and lower in animal-based foods, especially red and processed meats, can confer substantial health benefits in reducing risk of Type 2 diabetes,” said Frank Hu from Harvard Chan School.
Researchers suggest that healthful plant-based diets could be lowering Type 2 diabetes risk because such diets are high in fibre, antioxidants, unsaturated fatty acids, and micro nutrients such as magnesium, and are low in saturated fat. Healthy plant foods may also be contributing to a healthy gut micrometer, they said.
The findings were published in the journal PLOS Medicine.
